What is Sun sign Astrology?

What is Sun sign Astrology? Sun sign astrology is a simplified system of Western astrology that considers only the position of the Sun at birth, which is said to be placed within one of the twelve zodiac signs. This sign is then called the sun sign or star sign of the person born in that twelfth-part of the year. Sun sign astrologers take this basic twelve-fold division and relate all the current movements of all the planets to each other, using traditional rules to divine meanings for each sign separately. Sun sign astrology is the most popular form of astrology, and is often used in newspapers, magazines, and online horoscopes. It is also the basis for many popular astrology books and websites. Sun sign astrology is significant because it provides a general overview of a person's personality, strengths, and weaknesses. It can also be used to understand a person's motivations, relationships, and career path. Here are some of the benefits of sun sign astrology: * **It can h...